Grieving at Work
Grieving at work– don’t let it be a cause of burnout There are a multitude of articles out there around work/life balance. How to be a powerhouse professional and be a mom… How to find a company culture which fits your lifestyle… How not to become a workaholic… How to climb the ladder, while still […]
Decision Fatigue

One of my favorite keys to unlocking the door to sustainability and avoiding burnout is how you can best make decisions and avoid decision fatigue based on your unique personality type. I have a few questions, which of the following apply? Do you feel like you get asked 100s of questions per day? Do you […]
Self-Care at Work

September is Self-Care Awareness month. Self-care has become this buzzword in our culture within the past several years… why it took so long to be something so commonly talked about I haven’t the slightest clue, but that’s beside the point. But with its colloquial use comes some assumed meaning. Minds instantly jump to things like […]
No More Robotic Workplaces

We are not all created equal. I don’t believe in robotic work places—meaning everyone needing to operate the same way in order to get the job done. Yes, there is the need for standard operating procedures and structure, but if you don’t allow people to be themselves at work and operate in a way that’s […]